Sunday 26 January 2014

A Few of My Favourite Things: Aussie Edition

Every year on the 26th January, the people of Australia have their mates over to throw some shrimp on the barbie, drink some beers, ride their kangaroos and wrestle some crocs. No, we don't actually, but we do have a public holiday to celebrate our wonderful land down under! So in honour of Australia day 2014 I thought I would share with you some pure Aussie goodness in the form of my top six favourite things. Enjoy!


In the peak of an Australian summer, we most often have weeks on end with the mercury soaring well over 30 degrees celcius. In this kind of heat, you usually want to wear as little clothing as possible to try and keep cool, so most of us live in bikinis! One of the best known Aussie bikini labels is Seafolly. Although a little pricey, they are well worth the investment to while away those lazy beach days and be the most fashionable on the sand.  Here are some beautiful images from their 2014 campaign. 

About two months ago, I was lying in bed on a boring monday night scrolling through my instagram newsfeed, when something caught my eye. Someone that i followed had liked a photo of an incredible illustration of Grace Kelly in a pale pink chiffon dress standing in the most divine room and it was from a page called meganhessillustration. I had been looking all over instagram, tumblr and Facebook for a beautiful fashion illustrator as I have always been able to imagine the images in my head to draw but have never quite been able to get them down on the paper, so I had been hoping one day i might come across someone who had the same kind of visions as me but can actually draw (I have a bit of an obsession with fashion illustrations). So, as you can imagine, I started to get rather excited when I discovered this photo and immediately checked out her page. I was certainly not disappointed! Her drawings were everything I had every dreamed of and more! Her attention to detail is magnificent and the dresses and interiors she draws are absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. It was a perfect love story! I had finally found the fashion illustrator I had dreamt of and the best part is she is an Aussie! I found out the next day that she has a book called 'Fashion House' and raced out to the shops to buy it. Many lazy days have been spent over the last couple of months admiring the incredible illustrations in this book and looking through it over and over again. I never get sick of it. Well I will stop going on about it and show you!

Designer. Model. True Aussie Babe. This is the phrase cotton on body has used to describe Lara in her latest swimwear (and soon to be underwear) campaign. Lara has always been directly in the firing line of the media and has received more than her fair share of bad press in her time, but ever since her reality show 'Being Lara Bingle' aired, I have slowly developed a bit of an obsession with her. She has impeccable style and always takes risks, which I think, almost always pay off, not to mention that she has some seriously cool instagram shots! She is living the Aussie dream and her photos seem to perfectly capture this. Her line of swimmers for cotton on are simple, yet stylish and don't break the bank (I managed to snap some up for $20 the other day).
The first three photos are from a photoshoot with cleo from 2012, the next six are from her cotton on body swimwear line photoshoot and the last one is one of her instagram snaps.

Gary Pepper Girl by Nicole Warne is without doubt, my absolute favourite blog on the internet. Her blog description reads 'Gary Pepper is the ultimate daydream' and it could not be more true! Nicole's blog follows her world travels with her photographer boyfriend Luke and in my opinion, has some of the best fashion photography on the internet. Her photographs perfectly capture her classic Audrey Hepburn like style and this combined with her impeccable hair and makeup in front of a backdrop of the most beautiful cities in the world creates incredible, breathtaking photographs. One day, I hope to be able to travel the world and create a blog as beautiful as hers. Oh, and did I mention she is Aussie!
Here is a small snippet of some of my favourite photographs of hers.

Since the launch of her label seven years ago, Camilla Franks has quickly become one of Australia's most iconic fashion designers. Camilla makes beautiful kaftans  from vibrant coloured, patterned silk, which are finished off with swarovski crystal embellishments. From long and short jumpsuits to kaftans, to shorts, Camilla has something for everyone, for every occasion, she even does swimwear! Her soft, flowing outfits are the perfect breezy ensemble to wear out for a glamorous cocktail by the river on those hot Australian summers nights. I will let the photos speak for themselves!

To be completely honest, i only started watching Home and Away about three years ago, after seeing the river boys in the promos. What can I say, I couldn't resist those muscles. Every weekday at 7pm it is my little interlude from study. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to go to the channel seven studios in Sydney to meet the cast and watch them film last year. They are some of the nicest, most down to earth people I have ever met and it was so interesting to see what goes on behind the scenes and how much time and effort they put into it. I watched them film for one and a half hours and that was for no more than a minute of film. And they film four and a half hours of screen time per week! So after my trip to the set I have a new found respect for them, and honestly it has made me completely obsessed with it. I love the constant drama in Summer Bay and the beautiful beaches (and actors), but mostly I love the classic Aussie dream lifestyle it portrays. Wouldn't we all love to live by the beach going surfing everyday, eat pizza at angelos and marry a Braxton? Well, a girl can dream. I will do another post about my day on set later on, but for now here are some lovely cast photos to swoon over.

Well that concludes my top six favourite Australian things. Of course my absolute favourite thing is my beautiful cattle dog cross Ginger Rogers. We are not entirely sure what she is crossed with, sometimes we think it is dingo with the way she puts her head and tail down and trots across the sand dunes. Either way, she is a true blue Aussie. 

Happy Australia Day!
love and sparkles

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