Tuesday 11 November 2014

The last six months...

I am ashamed to say that it has been six months since my last post. I don't know where the time has gone! I seem to have been so busy but when I sit down to write about it, I can't think of what I have actually been doing. Apart from the usual uni and life in general, I managed to come up with a couple of things that have happened in the last six months. Here they are:

1) Archie
Ever since our poodle Rupert died a couple of years ago, I have been nagging my mum to get another little dog that I can cuddle all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love Ginger, but as much as she likes to think she is, a cattle dog is not a lap dog that can sleep on the bed with you. My mum and I have always loved Chinese Crested dogs and couldn't believe our luck when one of our friends called us to tell us there was a little Chinese Crested on pet rescue. He was 16 months old, and had been treated very badly and starved, so the rescue lady was very protective of him and had to be sure that we would be the perfect home for him. Lucky for us, she decided we were! Everyone meet the latest addition to our family, Archie. He is so naughty and cheeky, but so cute that he manages to get away with most things. The best part is his 'crest' is so long that I can actually braid it! I have so much fun playing with his hair all the time. I am utterly obsessed with him and could write a whole book about how gorgeous he is but I will leave it at that and show you some pictures instead.

2) Finished decorating my bedroom
This might not seem very interesting but for me this is a very big deal! It has taken me five years, FIVE YEARS to decide how I want to decorate my bedroom. I am glad I took this long though because I probably would have outgrown the pink room that I would have wanted five years ago. Don't worry though, there is still plenty of pink!

3) Discovered tiffany blue nail polish
And it is the next best thing to having actual Tiffany.

4) Developed an obsession with Lush bath bombs
Who doesn't love having a hot pink glittery bath and coming out smelling like roses?

5) Binge watched Suits
New York. Amazing apartments. Tailored suits. Harvey Specter. Need I say more?

Just a reminder of what the view from Harvey's apartment looks like...

6) I've saved the best for last...
My mum and I have booked a 3 month holiday to England! We are staying in London for 2 weeks and then going to stay with my grandma in a town called Beverley in East Yorkshire. We are crossing our fingers and toes for a white christmas! We will be getting up to lots of exciting things over there so I am looking forward to lots of great posts coming soon!

I promise it won't be another six month before my next post!

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