Friday 17 January 2014

Ginger and Rupert

For a few years now I have trawled hundreds of blogs on the internet, lusting over the intricately detailed couture dresses or fantasising over the vibrant photos of exotic holiday destinations, and in the end, i come to the conclusion that I must buy myself a good camera, and start a blog. Well, I was lucky enough to receive a sony alpha 37 DSLR camera last christmas, but for the majority of the year it sat in my office, under my pile of uni books gathering dust. I thought that I never went anywhere interesting enough that I would want to take lots of photos and usually just resorted to using my iPhone. So when 2013 was coming to a close and 2014 was in sight, I decided that my new years resolution would be to start a blog and take my camera everywhere with me. To my surprise, I have found that I do actually go to some quite interesting places where my camera has been put to good use, and I have quickly learned that you need to take many more pictures than seems adequate to hopefully get that one perfect one and capture exactly what you want. 
Anyway, here it is, my blog, Ginger and Rupert, named after my beautiful Australian cattle dog cross, Ginger Rogers, and her Fred Astaire, the most delightful dog I ever owned, Rupert the red poodle. Sadly, my poor little Rupert was a severe epileptic and died over a year ago, so I will dedicate this blog to him! 
I can't tell you exactly what my blog will be about, as even I haven't decided that yet, but I would say it will largely feature fashion, travel destinations, and a bit of whatever else I am in the mood for that day. I have created an Instagram and a Facebook page as well where you can follow Ginger and Rupert and whatever adventures we find! 
Heres to 2014!
love and sparkles

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